================================================================================ = = = Notepad3 - light-weight Scintilla-based text editor for Windows = = = = (c) Rizonesoft 2008-2020 = = https://www.rizonesoft.com = = = ================================================================================ *** Keyboard Shortcuts *** date: 2020/03/18 --------------------------------------------------------- FILE ------------------------ Ctrl+N New file. Ctrl+F4 Close file (identical with Ctrl+N). Ctrl+O Open file... F5 Reload file. Ctrl+S Save file. F6 Save file as... Ctrl+F6 Save file Copy... Ctrl+Alt+F6 Save with Original file "Date/Time". Ctrl+P Print file... Ctrl+M Run MiniPath file Browser plugin... Ctrl+Alt+H Open Recent file (History)... Alt+F4 Exit Notepad3. Esc Cancel current state (AutoCompletion or Selection) Minimize or Exit Notepad3 (optionally, if no state). Shift+Esc Save file and Exit Notepad3. Launch ------ Alt+N Open Document in New Window. Alt+Shift+N Open New Empty Window. Ctrl+L Launch Document. Alt+L Open With... Ctrl+R Run Command... Ctrl+Shift+1 Web Template 1 Ctrl+Shift+2 Web Template 2 Encoding -------- Shift+F8 Select UTF-8 as Default. F9 Open Select Current file Encoding... Ctrl+Alt+F Recode to Default. Ctrl+Shift+A Recode to ANSI. Ctrl+Shift+O Recode to OEM. Ctrl+Shift+F10 Recode to GB18030. Ctrl+Shift+F8 Reload an ASCII file as UTF-8 file. Alt+F8 Ignore Encoding Tags. F8 Open Select Source Encoding to Reload file... Favorites --------- Alt+I Open Favorites... Alt+K Add Current File to Favorites... Alt+F9 Manage Favorites... EDIT ------------------------ Ctrl+Z Undo. Alt+Backspace Undo. Ctrl+Shift+Y Undo. Ctrl+Y Redo. Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo. Ctrl+X Cut. Shift+Del Cut. Ctrl+C Copy. Alt+C Copy All. Ctrl+E Copy Add. Ctrl+V Paste. Shift+Ins Paste. Ctrl+K Swap. Del Delete. Ctrl+A Select All. Words ----- Ctrl+Alt+Enter Complete Word. Ctrl+ ← Cursor Word Left. Ctrl+ → Cursor Word Right. Ctrl+Backspace Delete Word Before/Left. Ctrl+Del Delete Word After/Right. Lines ----- Alt+ ↑ Move Line (Block) Up. Alt+ ↓ Move Line (Block) Down. Ctrl+X Cut Selection or Current Line, if No Selection. Ctrl+Shift+X Cut Selection Whole Line(s). Ctrl+C Copy Selection or Current Line, if No Selection. Ctrl+Shift+C Copy Selection Whole Line(s). Ctrl+D Duplicate Line or Selection. Alt+D Transpose Lines. Ctrl+Shift+D Delete Line. Ctrl+Shift+Backspace Delete Line Left. Ctrl+Shift+Del Delete Line Right. Ctrl+Shift+W Column Wrap... Ctrl+I Split Lines. Ctrl+J Join Lines. Ctrl+Alt+J Fuse Lines. Ctrl+Shift+J Preserve Paragraphs. Alt+Y Merge Empty Lines. Ctrl+Alt+Y Merge Blank Lines. Alt+R Remove Empty Lines. Ctrl+Alt+B Remove Blank Lines. Ctrl+Alt+D Remove Duplicate Lines. Selection --------- Ctrl+, Jump to Selection Start. Ctrl+. Jump to Selection End. Ctrl+D Duplicate Selection or Line. Alt+B Pad with Blanks. Alt+Z Strip First Character. Alt+U Strip Last Character. Alt+W Strip Trailing Blanks. Ctrl+Alt+P Compress Blanks. Alt+M Modify Lines... Alt+J Align Lines... Alt+O Sort Lines... Tab Indent Selected Block. Shift+Tab Unindent Selected Block. Ctrl+Tab Insert Tabulator. Enclose Selection ------------------ Ctrl+1 Enclose within '' (Single Quotes). Ctrl+2 Enclose within "" (Double Quotes). Ctrl+3 Enclose within (). Ctrl+4 Enclose within []. Ctrl+5 Enclose within {}. Ctrl+6 Enclose within `` (Backticks). Alt+Q Enclose With... (Enclose Before/After Selection). Convert ------- Ctrl+Shift+U Selection in Uppercase. Ctrl+U Selection in Lowercase. Ctrl+Alt+U Selection in Invert Case. Ctrl+Alt+I Selection in Title Case. Ctrl+Alt+O Selection in Sentence Case. Ctrl+Shift+T Convert in Selection Spaces to Tabs. Ctrl+Shift+S Convert in Selection Tabs to Spaces. Ctrl+Alt+T Convert in Selection Indent to Tabs. Ctrl+Alt+S Convert in Selection Indent to Spaces. Ctrl+Shift+E URL Encode. Ctrl+Shift+R URL Decode. Ctrl+Alt+X Char To HEX. Ctrl+Alt+C Hex To Char. Insert ------ Ctrl+Enter New Line Above. Ctrl+Shift+Enter New Line with Toggled Auto Indent Option. (orig-NP2: Ctrl+Enter) Alt+X HTML/XML Tag... Ctrl+F8 Encoding Identifier. Ctrl+F5 Time/Date (Short Form). Ctrl+Shift+F5 Time/Date (Long Form). Shift+F5 Update Timestamps. Ctrl+Q Block Comment (Toggle). Ctrl+Shift+Q Stream Comment. Miscellaneous ------------- Ctrl+Shift+. Copy GUID to Clipboard. Ctrl+Alt+E Escape C Special Chars. Ctrl+Alt+R Unescape C Special Chars. Ctrl+Alt+Num.keypad+ Increase Number. Ctrl+Alt+Num.keypad- Decrease Number. Ctrl+B Find Matching Brace. Ctrl+Shift+B Select to Matching Brace. Ctrl+Alt+F2 Expand Selection to Next Match. (orig-NP2: F2) Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F2 Expand Selection to Previous Match. (orig-NP2: Shift+F2) Ctrl+Space Select Word or Lines. Ctrl+Shift+Space Multi-Select All Matches. Alt+Shift+Arrows Rectangular Selection. Ctrl+F9 Copy Filename Only to Clipboard. Ctrl+Shift+F9 Copy Full Path to Clipboard. Bookmarks --------- Ctrl+F2 Toggle Bookmark. F2 Jump to Next Bookmark. Shift+F2 Jump to Previous Bookmark. Alt+F2 Clear All Bookmark. Search ------ Ctrl+F Find... Alt+F3 Save Find Text. F3 Find Next. Shift+F3 Find Previous. Ctrl+F3 Find Next Word or Selection. Ctrl+Shift+F3 Find Previous Word or Selection. Ctrl+H Replace... F4 Replace Next. Ctrl+G Jump to Line... VIEW ------------------------ Ctrl+W Toggle Word Wrap. Ctrl+Alt+L Show Long Line Marker. Ctrl+Shift+G Show Indentation Guides. Ctrl+Shift+7 Show Wrap Symbols. Ctrl+Shift+8 Show Whitespace. Ctrl+Shift+9 Show Line Endings. Ctrl+Alt+W Show Hyperlink Hotspots. Ctrl+Shift+V Toggle Visual Brace Matching. Ctrl+Shift+I Highlight Current Line. Ctrl+Shift+N Show Line Numbers. Ctrl+Shift+M Show Selection Margin. Mark Occurences ---------------- Alt+A Show All Occurences. Folding ------- Ctrl+Shift+F Toggle All Folds. Alt+ + Jump Next Fold. Alt+ – Jump Prev Fold. Alt+ ← Collapse Fold. Alt+ → Expand Fold. Display ------- Ctrl+Alt+V Show in Focused View. Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn Goto Previous/Next Block. Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDn Select to Previous/Next Block. Zoom ---- Ctrl+ + Zoom In. Ctrl+ – Zoom Out. Ctrl+0 Reset Zoom. Position -------- Ctrl+Shift+K Copy Window Position to Clipboard. Ctrl+Shift+P Snap to Window Default Position. Ctrl+F11 Snap to Initial Default Position. F11 Toggle To Full Area Window Position. APPEARENCE ------------------------- Ctrl+F12 Customize Syntax Schemes... F12 Select Syntax Scheme... Shift+F12 Select 2nd Common Base. Alt+F12 Select Global Default Font... Ctrl+Alt+F12 Select Current Scheme's Default Font... SETTINGS ------------------------ Ctrl+T Tab Settings... Ctrl+Shift+H Toggle Auto Close HTML/XML. Ctrl+Alt+A Select Accelerated Word Navigation. Alt+F5 Select File Change Notification... Windows ------- Ctrl+Shift+L Reuse Window. Alt+T Always On Top. Alt+G Transparent Mode. Window Title Display -------------------- Ctrl+9 Display Text Excerpt in Title. Advanced Configuration ---------------------- F7 Save Settings Now. Ctrl+F7 Open Settings File "Notepad3.ini". HELP ------------------------ F1 Online Documentation. Shift+F1 Display Info Version "About..." ================================================================================ *** Regular Expression Matching Syntax (Multi Lines) *** (Advanced features: see .\Oniguruma_RE.txt) --------------------------------------------------------- . This matches any character. ^ This matches empty string immediately after a New Line (unless used inside a set). $ This matches empty string immediately before End of Line. \< This matches the start of a word. \> This matches the end of a word. \b Word boundary. [...] This indicates a set of characters, For example, [abc] means any of the characters a, b or c. You can also use ranges, for example [a-z] for any lower case character. [^...] The complement of the characters in the set. For example, [^A-Za-z] means any character except an alphabetic character. \d Any decimal digit. \D Any character that is not a decimal digit. \s Any whitespace character. \S Any character that is not a whitespace character. \w Any "word" character. \W Any "non-word" character. \x This allows you to use a character x that would otherwise have a special meaning. For example, \[ would be interpreted as [ and not as the start of a character set. \xHH Character with hex code HH. ? This matches preceding 0 or 1 times. * This matches 0 or more times. For example, Sa*m matches Sm, Sam, Saam, Saaam and so on. + This matches 1 or more times. For example, Sa+m matches Sam, Saam, Saaam and so on. *? or +? Non greedy matching of quantifiers "?" and "+". \( This marks the start of a region for tagging a match. \) This marks the end of a tagged region. \n Where n is 1 through 9 refers to the first through ninth tagged region when replacing. For example, if the search string was Fred\([1-9]\)XXX and the replace string was Sam\1YYY, when applied to Fred2XXX this would generate Sam2YYY. -----> Examples (don't use quotes) - Quote lines: find "^" replace with "> " - Unquote lines: find "^> " replace with "" - Remove line numbers: find "^[0-9]+" replace with "" - Convert tabs to double spaces: find "\t" replace with " " ================================================================================ *** Command Line Help *** --------------------------------------------------------- Usage: Notepad3 [/?] […[Encoding]] […[Line ending mode]] [/e] [/g] [/m] [/l] [/q] [/s] [/d] [/h] [/x] [/c] [/b] [/n] [/r| [/p] [/t] [/i] [/o] [/f] [/u] [/v] [/vd] [/y] [/z] [[drive:][path]filename[…]] file Must be the last argument, no quoted spaces by default. + Accept multiple file arguments (with quoted spaces). - Accept single file argument (without quoted spaces). Options: /? Dispay this help message. … Encoding (/ansi, /unicode, /unicodebe, /utf8, /utf8sig). … Line ending mode (/crlf, /cr, /lf). /e File source encoding. /g Jump to specified position (/g -1 end of file). /m Match specified text (/m- last, /mr regex, /mb backslash). /l Auto-reload modified files. /q Force creation of new files without prompt. /s Select specified syntax scheme. /d Select default text scheme. /h Select Web Source Code scheme. /x Select XML Document scheme. /c Open new window and paste clipboard contents. /b Open new paste board to collect clipboard entries. /n Always open a new window (/ns single file instance). /r Reuse window (/rs single file instance). /p Set window position and size (/p0, /ps, /pf,l,t,r,b,m) or /p ,,,, [all integers]. /t Set window title. /i Start as tray icon. /o Keep window on top. /f Specify ini-file (/f0 no ini-file). /u Launch with elevated privileges. /v Print file immediately and quit. /vd Print file (open printer dialog). /y Search environment PATH in case of relative filename. /z Skip next (usable for registry-based Notepad replacement). Examples: Notepad3 /utf8sig /crlf d:\temp\Test.txt … Open a new file: "Test.txt" Encoding=UTF-8-BOM, EoL=CRLF. Notepad3 /v d:\temp\Test.txt … Print the file: "Test.txt" immediately. ================================================================================